

Roska has a purpose-built, self-contained, in-house safety system that sets Roska's standards at or above the highest individual standards or best practices of our various customers and operating jurisdictions. For example, we apply the more stringent British Columbia working-at-height rules to our operations in Alberta.

The company recognizes that oil and natural gas operations and oilfield construction activities are intrinsically hazardous and that safety failures can be catastrophic in terms of human injury or death, financial cost and damage to reputation. Our sophisticated approach to safety includes all critical organization memberships and formal processes, meeting the requirements of large, discerning producers, midstream operators and pipeline companies. We are considered a leading contractor in the area of safety management by certain leading oil and gas producers.

Our safety system and practices are built around the objective of zero harm. Zero harm means avoiding damage to people, equipment, the environment, hydrocarbon production processes or sites and facilities under construction. This includes the assets of Roska, our customers and the subcontractors and partners we work with.

Roska holds its Certificate of Recognition (COR) in Alberta and British Columbia. This is the key regulatory document attesting that a company operates a recognized safety management system. The COR is subject to formal external audit every three years. Roska is also registered with ISNetworld and ComplyWorks, and operates to Enform guidelines.

We want you, the customer, to feel confident that we will not have any negative impact on your assets. Roska's people are trained and assessed as competent in safe work practices. We provide our people with the proper tools and equipment, including complete safety equipment, to work safely.

And we do more: we train our people in the philosophy of safety. Every employee who goes out on the job is representing Roska. Standards must be adhered to and must be reflected in people's behaviour. This philosophy is rigorously enforced, all the way to dismissal for those who cannot work in our safety-focused environment.

Being certified as fit-for-duty means much more than being tested for drugs and alcohol. It means being assessed as physically capable of doing one's job and of having the emotional temperament for that job category and degree of responsibility. This is critical to working safely.

For our people, support of our HSE program is a condition of employment. Every person must report any hazardous conditions, injury, incident, near-miss or illness related to the workplace. All personnel must comply with applicable acts and regulations and follow our company's and our clients' policies, procedures, rules and instructions.

Roska has a loss control manager with a master's degree in health and safety and over 20 years' international experience in health and safety, as well as field experience as a tradesperson. The company also has a support team of specialists with formal academic training in safety who handle the administrative side. On a day-to-day basis, Roska site superintendents, who have extensive safety training, are responsible for day-to-day safety on the job site, including job risk assessments and management of permits. The loss control manager visits all Roska worksites.