
The People You Will Work For

At Roska you'll be working for supervisors and senior leaders with diverse backgrounds in the energy sector. Oilfield operations is our bloodline. Our founder and key company leaders have devoted their careers to this part of the energy sector. Most of us grew up in oil country. Many of us came up through the ranks as workers or tradespeople, while some of us have college certificates or degrees, including P.Eng.'s, CAs, MBAs and safety degrees.

Whatever our educational backgrounds, we are hands-on, entrepreneurial and job-oriented. People can come in from the field dressed in coveralls and walk straight into an office meeting. It's not about what we wear, it's about getting the job done right for our customers. Our expectations of the people who work for us are personal integrity, a strong work ethic, high-quality work and enthusiastic participation in our safety culture.

Roska's management recognizes that high-quality people matter to a company's success. We will do everything we can to allow you to excel and be a valued part of the team. We will treat you as an individual, not a number. We'll give you the tools, equipment and training you need. If there's a need for better tools to get the job done, we'll acquire them. We want to keep growing and improving, and you'll find an atmosphere in which managers are willing to listen to ideas from anyone on the team.

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